Friday, March 7, 2008

Gay Anthem Song "I am who I am" Listen up World!

Pro-Gay song! First of all thanks to all those ...

Pro-Gay song! First of all thanks to all those who gave me permission to use their pictures in the video.

Here are some of my thoughts here below: "You have to start with fact and then go from there. If any thing tries to refute the fact, the fact is always right."
"The fact is some people are born gay."
"If a Christian fundamentalist comes to me with a scripture claiming that same-sex attraction is wrong, they contradict the already-known fact that there are millions of gay people who do not in no way and never have been attracted to the opposite sex. This is fact and part of creation. But the fundamentalist is trying to deny that fact. So either the Bible is wrong or their interpretation is wrong. Which is it? If they are humble enough and have some wisdom into the matter they will see that their interpretation is in error."
"If anything drives a gay man to such confusion about himself that he dare think about suicide, the cause is other people's false views."
"God would surely not use "His word" to commit murder, and thus be a liar."
"But, religious folk use it to commit murder, always because of misinterpretation."
"Either your Interpretation is wrong or the Bible is wrong, because we have a great conflict here. No human should be so utterly confused they would contemplate suicide as a solution. It should be obvious that the person is right for just being his true and natural self. Something else is wrong and it is not the person. The religious indoctrination of falsehood is to blame or the Bible is wrong. Which is it? Or could it be both?
We must understand the bible has been tampered with and mistranslated, and words added and some taken away etc. There are errors in our modern day bible. For example the word "homosexual" was added in about 1950 and it was a huge error and a misinterpretation of Greek words. See my videos for detailed explanations on various misinterpretations of the bible by fundamentalist Christians who are anti-gay.
We can toss bible verse back and forth all day long but I say put down the bible for a moment and take a long hard look at the world around you, come out of that fundamentalist box and look at some of these faces in this video and tell some of these boys they have to walk down the isle in marriage to the opposite sex. Or tell some of the "Dykes on Bikes" they have to walk down the isle with a man? Can't you see it just is not going to happen? This is fact. They are not cut out of the same mold as a stereotypical heterosexual. God did create diversity and the Christian fundamentalist has not figured it out yet. So put down the Bible for a moment and think! Use your God-given common sense. Unlearn everything you have been brainwashed to believe on the subject of same-sex attraction.
In the days of Galileo he scientifically proved the earth rotated around the sun. The church called him a heretic and pointed to scripture to disprove him and sent him to prison and there he stayed the rest of his life. It took the church 300 years to realize they were wrong and had misinterpreted the bible and that they need to pay more closely to fact and science. They later apologized but it was too late.
Other atrocities resulting from the Church backing up their view with scripture were the crusades, the inquisitions, slavery, the annihilation of the Indian and even the holocaust was fueled by the anti-Jew rhetoric dating back to 500 AD coming from Christians. And for centuries the persons attracted to the same sex have been persecuted, ridiculed, and even killed just for being who they naturally are? What crime is it to be who we are as created by God?
My plea with the world is the same one Jesus said: That we truly love one another and that we treat others the way we would want to be treated. That's it! If we can do that we will have peace among people. This is who I am. I am a peacemaker and a very compassionate man having a big heart for all those oppressed by others. I care.
I am a songwriter/guitarist/musician for over twenty-five years now and I want to use my talents to further this cause. I would love to get involved with some of the various functions and such. If I can be of help please send me a message. Also I have written over 300 pages on this subject at hand and if someone who like to help me get it published I sure could use the help.

Here are some great websites below to visit:

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