Saturday, March 8, 2008

Teaching Our Kids Tolerance

Moms speak out about the shooting of a 15-year-old gay student.
March 4, 2008
When we posted Ellen on Hate Crime, we shared Ellen's emotional speech about this tragic incident and it resonated with many Moms.

Outraged Mom said: "I can't believe things like this are still occurring in this day and age. It is so upsetting that someone is not allowed to be him or herself without suffering, or in this case, dying for it. People who are gay cannot change the way they feel, it's just the way they are. It's innate and not a choice. I know because my brother is gay. He is fortunate enough to have a family who loves him unconditionally. We need to make a difference in this world and we need to start now!"

Mom Amy also offers input: "I think not only is this murder a crime, but I believe the failure of a child, caused by either the parents, or school systems, by not teaching love, respect, and understanding is a Crime. Children learn by watching, and listening. Be careful of what you show your Child. You are the role model."

How do you teach your kids tolerance? Tell us in the Mom•Logic Community.

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